What is indeed in a name, for that we call a rose, by any other name would still get a sexual harassment case slapped on us. In short, it’s a dog lick dog world out there and… wait, sorry, wrong testimony.

So, back to wines and labels…


The world has always seen wine as something of a classic and labels have followed tradition a strict that it has become an unspoken code of conduct. Winemakers would sooner pick unripe grapes than make a wine label that doesn’t exude class, terroir, prestige, history, and all that.

And then, along came Australia. Or rather, when the Europeans landed on Australia, it wasn’t just land they discovered; it was their hitherto-dormant sense of humour. They didn’t just leave Motherland behind, they also left behind a mother-load of a sense of stoicism and stodginess, thereby populating a new land with babies having no precedence of pretense. No more false formalities. The result: they have a zany sense of humour, the perfect ice-breaker at any gathering. And it extends even into their wine naming nomenclature. Without further ado, enjoy a photo-blog of some rather amusing labels that I came across recently, while on a trip to Australia. Caveat: Don’t ever let a wine label make you doubt quality, for you’d risk missing out on some of the best stuff there is to be had, out there…

Please feel free to add to the collection, as you may…cheers!